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add pallet

Chris Ladd edited this page Oct 15, 2019 · 4 revisions

add pallet


stack add pallet [pallet ...] [clean=bool] [dir=string] [password=string] [updatedb=string] [username=string]


Add pallets to this machine's pallet directory. This command copies all
files in ISOs or paths recognized by stacki to be pallets to the local
machine. The default location is a directory under /export/stack/pallets.
See also the 'probepal' utility to ascertain how, if at all, stacki will
recognize it.


  • {pallet}

    A list of pallets to add to the local machine. If no list is supplied stacki will check if a pallet is mounted on /mnt/cdrom, and if so copy it to the local machine. If the pallet is hosted on the internet, it will be downloaded to a temporary directory before being added. All temporary files and mounts will be cleaned up, with the exception of /mnt/cdrom.


  • {clean=bool}

  • {dir=string}

  • {password=string}

  • {updatedb=string}

  • {username=string}

    A username that will be used for authenticating to any remote pallet locations


  • stack add pallet clean=true kernel*iso

    Adds the Kernel pallet to local pallet directory. Before the pallet is added the old Kernel pallet packages are removed from the pallet directory.

  • stack add pallet kernel*iso

    Added the Kernel pallet along with any pallets found at the remote server to the local pallet directory.


create new pallet

create pallet

disable pallet

enable pallet

list pallet

remove pallet

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