- The same of datatypes of PureScript Python
module Main where
import SmallPrelude
data Nat
= Zero -- 0
| Succ Nat -- succ 0 -> 1; succ 2 -> 3
natToInt :: Nat -> Int
-- showNat _3 == "3"
-- showNat Zero == 0
natToInt Zero = 0
natToInt (Succ a) = 1 `iadd` natToInt a
natToIntRecImpl :: Int -> Nat -> Int
-- showNat _3 == "3"
-- showNat Zero == 0
natToIntRecImpl a Zero = a
natToIntRecImpl r (Succ a) = natToIntRecImpl (1 `iadd` r) a
natToIntRec = natToIntRecImpl 0
intToNatRecImpl :: Nat -> Int -> Nat
intToNatRecImpl a 0 = a
intToNatRecImpl a n = intToNatRecImpl (Succ a) (n `iadd` -1)
intToNatRec n
| n `igt` 0 = error ""
| true = intToNatRecImpl Zero n
_3 = Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))
-- test deconstructions in guards
testDeconsGuard n
| Succ a <- n = false
| true = true
main :: IO {}
main = do
println (natToInt _3)
println (natToIntRec _3)
-- use tail call thus no stackoverflow occurred
println (natToIntRec (intToNatRec 10000))
println (testDeconsGuard _3)
println (testDeconsGuard Zero)
-- out:
More details see Pattern Matching.