Program to manipulate screen brightness on Linux using sysfs.
backlight. Simple program to control your backlights.
backlight ls Lists all devices and their values
backlight set <device> <val> Sets the brightness of a device to a specific value
backlight dec <device> <val> Decreases the brightness of a device by a specific value
backlight inc <device> <val> Increases the brightness of a device by a specific value
backlight help Displays this help message :)
For x64 you can download and install the released binary with the following script.
chmod +x backlight.0-x64
sudo mv backlight.0-x64 /usr/local/bin/backlight
sudo setcap cap_dac_override+ep /usr/local/bin/backlight
Requires that you have golang installed.
git clone
sudo make install
Why sudo? To allow the program access to sysfs from a normal user the install script sets cap_dac_override
I originally built this for my own i3 setup. The following is the configuration I use to bind the brightness keys on my laptop to run this backlight program.
# Sreen brightness controls
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec backlight inc intel_backlight 50
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec backlight dec intel_backlight 50