Kodi has controller profiles for each systems it supports. Add-ons consist of several files:
addon.xml - the add-on fluff
layout.png - the picture shown in the configuration GUI
mask.png - optional, the button mask of layout.png
icon.png - the thumbnail used in the GUI
layout.xml - the button layout
strings.po - The names of the buttons
This schema is described by Kodi's add-on system. It includes:
- Controller ID (identical to add-on ID)
- Metadata version
- Controller name
- Internationalized controller name
- Internationalized 2-3 sentence description including release year
- Path to icon.png
- Path to layout.xml
- Image credit
Metadata version uses semantic versioning (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH). Increment the:
- MAJOR version when you make incompatible schema changes
- MINOR version when you make schema changes in a backwards-compatible manner, and
- PATCH version when you make data changes.
Transparent image of the controller. Recommended size 1024x1024.
Unused currently. Same dimensions as layout.png.
Possible use of this is to generate a costmap for automatic line placement.
Opaque image of the controller. This should be the transparent image against background.png in the textures
folder. Recommended size 512x512 as per Kodi add-on rules.
This file describes the button layout. The root <layout>
tag contains the following attributes:
- Path to layout.png
- Path to mask.png
The button layout is given by <category>
tags. Categories are groups for buttons shown in the controller mapping window. Categories have the following attributes defined in categories.po:
- Category name
- Internationalized name
- Category description
- Kodi string ID
Categories contain a list of features. Each feature has the following attributes:
- Feature name
- Internationalized name
- Feature type
- Input type (analog or digital, defaults to analog)
The following feature types are available:
Buttons must provide a type
attribute to specify analog or digital input.
Keys must provide a symbol
attribute to facilitate keyboard mapping. Symbols are hardware-independent virtual key representations. The following symbols are used:
Symbol | Character | ASCII value |
backspace | 8 | |
tab | 9 | |
clear | 12 | |
return | 13 | |
pause | 19 | |
escape | 27 | |
space | 32 | |
exclaim | ! | 33 |
doublequote | " | 34 |
hash | # | 35 |
dollar | $ | 36 |
ampersand | & | 38 |
quote | ' | 39 |
leftparen | ( | 40 |
rightparen | ) | 41 |
asterisk | * | 42 |
plus | + | 43 |
comma | , | 44 |
minus | - | 45 |
period | . | 46 |
slash | / | 47 |
0 | 0 | 48 |
1 | 1 | 49 |
2 | 2 | 50 |
3 | 3 | 51 |
4 | 4 | 52 |
5 | 5 | 53 |
6 | 6 | 54 |
7 | 7 | 55 |
8 | 8 | 56 |
9 | 9 | 57 |
colon | : | 58 |
semicolon | ; | 59 |
less | < | 60 |
equals | = | 61 |
greater | > | 62 |
question | ? | 63 |
at | @ | 64 |
leftbracket | [ | 91 |
backslash | \ | 92 |
rightbracket | ] | 93 |
caret | ^ | 94 |
underscore | _ | 95 |
grave | ` | 96 |
a | a | 97 |
b | b | 98 |
c | c | 99 |
d | d | 100 |
e | e | 101 |
f | f | 102 |
g | g | 103 |
h | h | 104 |
i | i | 105 |
j | j | 106 |
k | k | 107 |
l | l | 108 |
m | m | 109 |
n | n | 110 |
o | o | 111 |
p | p | 112 |
q | q | 113 |
r | r | 114 |
s | s | 115 |
t | t | 116 |
u | u | 117 |
v | v | 118 |
w | w | 119 |
x | x | 120 |
y | y | 121 |
z | z | 122 |
leftbrace | [ | 123 |
bar | | | 124 |
rightbrace | ] | 125 |
tilde | ~ | 126 |
delete | 127 |
Symbol | Comment |
kp0 | Numpad 0 |
kp1 | Numpad 1 |
kp2 | Numpad 2 |
kp3 | Numpad 3 |
kp4 | Numpad 4 |
kp5 | Numpad 5 |
kp6 | Numpad 6 |
kp7 | Numpad 7 |
kp8 | Numpad 8 |
kp9 | Numpad 9 |
kpperiod | Numpad . |
kpdivide | Numpad / |
kpmultiply | Numpad * |
kpminus | Numpad - |
kpplus | Numpad + |
kpenter | Numpad Enter |
kpequals | Numpad = |
up | |
down | |
right | |
left | |
insert | |
home | |
end | |
pageup | |
pagedown | |
f1 | |
f2 | |
f3 | |
f4 | |
f5 | |
f6 | |
f7 | |
f8 | |
f9 | |
f10 | |
f11 | |
f12 | |
f13 | |
f14 | |
f15 | |
numlock | |
capslock | |
scrollock | |
leftshift | |
rightshift | |
leftctrl | |
rightctrl | |
leftalt | |
rightalt | |
leftmeta | |
rightmeta | |
leftsuper | Left "Windows" key |
rightsuper | Right "Windows" key |
mode | "Alt Gr" key |
compose | Multi-key compose key |
help | |
sysreq | |
break | |
menu | |
power | Power Macintosh power key |
euro | Some European keyboards |
undo | Atari keyboard has Undo |
This file contains the internationalized versions of the translatable strings above. Its format is described by Kodi's translation system.