- PosiTest is a code assessment administration tool designed to test Galvanize's prospective students.
- Built on PERN - Postgres, Express, React, Node
Link to App: https://positest-e418ed52897e.herokuapp.com/
1) user: Bossman pw: abc123
1) user: tim pw: abc123
- Full testing suite with live chat, shared code editor, and timer
- Shared code editor that compiles and executes in real time
- Instructor-specific controls
- Waiting lobby with routes to testing rooms and live chat
- Secure login and user registration
- Vite: a Frontend build tool for React that allows for fast "bundless" development. via
npm create vite@latest
- FrontEnd
- DaisyUi + TailwindCSS: Lightweight CSS component based framework. (Daisy elements are easier to modify than vanilla Tailwind). https://daisyui.com/
- react-hot-toast: lightweight react toasting notification library. See: https://react-hot-toast.com/
- axios: XMLHTTPrequest from browser. https://axios-http.com/docs/intro
- monaco: lightweight, fast code editor that features Syntax Highlighting, Autocompletion, Code Folding, Intellisense, and Error Checking. https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor
- Backend
- multer: middleware for handling multiple form data. https://www.npmjs.com/package/multer
- CORS: middleware for removing COR restrictions. See: https://www.npmjs.com/package/cors
- DB
- Supabase: real-time postgresql database with live updates, authentication, and instant syncing across clients. https://supabase.com/
- Auth
- JWT: Compact, URL-safe claims for authentication and authorization
- cookie: stores and retrieves data on client's browser for across multiple consecutive sessions
- bcrypt: KDF password hashing incorporating salt for authentication and security. https://www.npmjs.com/package/bcrypt
- Misc
- Socket.io: websocket connection tool with easy-to-use connection and socket event handling. https://socket.io/
- AWS S3 Bucket: remote storage service. https://aws.amazon.com/s3/
- Heroku: Deployment
- AWS S3 bucket: Image Hosting
- Supabase: PostgresDB
Running Locally
- Clone repo
- App is split into client and server side.
- Plug in
variables- See .env.template for variables
- Create supabase database
- Seed & migrate into supabase database
- Create AWS S3
- CD into Client, run 'npm install', 'npm run dev'
- On a separate terminal, 'npm install', 'npm run dev-server'
npm install
npm run dev-server
cd client
npm install
npm run dev
More Screenshots
The main feature of our project is the code editor. One of the things that we initially did not anticipate was the possible effect of running live JavaScript code directly inside the website. Therefore, to prevent code leakage and the possibility of the code testers breaking the website, we had to embed the code editor inside of an iframe with its context. This fixed the problem.
- Why, What was the plan to overcome those challenges?
The solution we found to implementing individual assessment rooms and chat feature was websockets. The websockets allowed us to create fast and responsive communication between the client and the server instead of fetch response cycles.
For the live coding, we used monaco code editor with iframe for a clean, responsive code editor connected with websockets
Authentication and authorization was implemented with bcrypt and json web tokens (jwt) which provided high-levels of security and safe login.
Lesson Learned:
- Implementation of these technologies and libraries in tandem created more logistical challenges requiring more research and deeper understanding of the technologies involved. For example, websockets, implemented with react can cause issues if implemented at the component level - it's more efficient to implement websockets connections and event listeners at the highest level of the react dom as possible.
- Instructor grading dashboard
- Ai test grading - with ChatGPT functions
- This project was a 3 week sprint where our team completed a MVP product for an external client David Garcia from Galvanize inc an online coding bootcamp platform. Client requested our team to build a integrated live coding testing suite for entrance into their coding immersive program.
- Aaron Roberts
- Luke Park
- Michael Heater
- Thiem Huynh
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thiem-dev/
- Github: https://github.com/thiem-dev
- Zoilan Bondoc
- LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/zoilanbondoc/
- Github: https://github.com/ZenBond