A simple Pytorch implementation of Neural Logic Machines (arxiv.org/abs/1904.11694).
- Fixed bug related to the Python
module. Simple-NLM now also works for Python<3.9. - Improved efficiency of both padded and unpadded NLMs, by pruning inner predicates which are not used for computing the NLM output.
Simply download from PyPI by doing pip install neural-logic-machine
An alternative option is to clone the repository.
Assuming it has been installed from PyPI, using it is as simply as importing the neural-logic-machine
package in Python:
from neural_logic_machine import NLM
import torch
# We create an NLM with two layers. The first layer receives different predicates
# and outputs 8 predicates for arities 0-3. The second layer receives these predicates and outputs 2 nullary predicates and one unary predicate.
# We do not need to specify the input size of the NLM (this is automatically inferred from the first forward pass).
nlm = NLM(hidden_features=[[8,8,8,8]], out_features=[2,1,0,0])
# Create a random input for the NLM
# The batch will contain two samples, the first one with 3 objects and the second one with 5 objects
# Note that we are not masking out those tensor positions corresponding to invalid objects (e.g., object 4 for the first batch element,
# despite it only having 3 objects). The reason is that there's no need to, as the NLM does that internally when computing the reduce operations
num_objs = [3,5]
input_NLM = [torch.randn((2,) + (5,)*r + (1,)) for r in range(3)] + [None] # The last position is None, as there are no ternary predicates
# Shapes of tensors in input_NLM: [(2,1), (2,5,1), (2,5,5,1), None]
# Forward pass
output = nlm(input_NLM, num_objs)
print(output) # Note in the result how invalid positions (those correspondings to objects 3 and 4 for the first batch element) are masked to -inf
>>> [tensor([[-0.0104, 0.4631],
[-0.4774, 0.4594]], grad_fn=<AddmmBackward0>), tensor([[[-0.0508],
[ -inf],
[ -inf]],
[[ 0.0538],
[ 0.1004],
[ 0.1422],
[ 0.0232]]], grad_fn=<MaskedFillBackward0>), None, None]
For training, we recommend using Pytorch Lightning.
Python 3 and Pytorch.
- Carlos Núñez Molina
- Masataro Asai