A Dart/Flutter Wrapper for the CoinGecko API (V3).
coingecko_dart: ^0.1.0
To get started with the api, all you have to do is initialize it like so and call the method of your choice!
CoinGeckoApi apiInstance = CoinGeckoApi();
//Future<CoinGeckoResult> result = await apiInstance.callMethod();
ping() -> /ping
Future<CoinGeckoResult<bool>> pingResponse = await apiInstance.ping();
bool requestIsSuccessful = pingResponse.data;
- simplePrice() -> /simple/price
- simpleTokenPrice() -> /simple/token_price/{id}
- simpleSupportedVsCurrencies() -> /simple/supported_vs_currencies
respectively matching the above methods
1. listCoins() -> /coins/list
2. getCoinMarkets() -> /coins/markets
3. getCoinData() -> /coins/{id}
4. getCoinTickers() -> /coins/{id}/tickers
5. getCoinHistory() -> /coins/{id}/history
6. getCoinMarketChart() -> /coins/{id}/market_chart
7. getCoinMarketChartRanged() -> /coins/{id}/market_chart/range
respectively matching the above methods
- **
- **
** (3,5) [Note: Data class is not fully implemented, use ( coin.json[ ] ) property instead to access the object directly]
getContractTokenData() -> /coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}
getContractMarketChart() -> /coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}/market_chart
getContractMarketChartRanged()-> /coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}/market_chart/range
getExchanges() -> /exchanges
getExchangeRatesBtc() -> /exchange_rates
getSearchTrending() -> /search/trending
getGlobalCoins() -> /global
getGlobalDefi() -> /global/decentralized_finance_defi
1. CoinGeckoResult<List<PricedCoin>> result = await api.simplePrice(
ids: ["iota"],
vs_currencies: ["usd", "jpy"],
includeLastUpdatedAt: true,
includeMarketCap: true);
//obtain prices and some other data of "iota" coin in "jpy" and "usd"
You can use var
to store the result if you're not too sure about the return data type.
2. var result = await api.simpleTokenPrice(
id: 'ethereum',
contractAddresses: ['0x7Fc66500c84A76Ad7e9c93437bFc5Ac33E2DDaE9'],
vs_currencies: ['inr', 'usd', 'eth']);
//obtain price and some other data of ethereum token "AAVE" in 'inr','usd' and 'eth'
3. var result = await api.simpleSupportedVsCurrencies();
//list of currencies against crypto ex: ['usd','inr','jpy','cad']
1. var result = await api.listCoins(includePlatformFlag: false);
//result.data contains a list of Coin() objects
print(result.data.any((element) => element.symbol.toUpperCase() == "BTC"));
2. var result = await api.getCoinMarkets(
vsCurrency: 'usd',
coinIds: ['bitcoin', 'iota', 'tether'],
category: CoinCategories.STABLECOIN,
sparkline: true,
priceChangePercentage: [MarketInterval.T_1H, MarketInterval.T_24H]);
//result.data contains a list of FullCoin() objects
print("${result.errorCode}, ${result.errorMessage}");
3. var result = await api.getCoinData(
id: 'bitcoin', localization: true, sparkline: true);
//obtain all data of crypto with id 'bitcoin' with localization and sparkline 7 days data
//This object has to many different properties to warrant a data class of it's own, access json like so
//do a pre-request to make sure you know the property name of the property value you need
print(result.data.json['block_time_in_minutes'] == 10);
4. var result = await api.getCoinTickers(
id: "bitcoin",
includeExchangeLogo: true,
//obtain tickers of crypto 'bitcoin'
//result.data is a list that contains instances of `CoinTicker`
5. var result = await api.getCoinHistory(
id: 'bitcoin', date: DateTime(2019, 4, 2));
//obtain full data of bitcoin on 2nd April 2019
//This object has to many different properties to warrant a data class of it's own, access json like so
//do a pre-request to make sure you know the property name of the property value you need
print(result.data.json['market_data']['current_price']['usd'] ==
6. var result = await api.getCoinMarketChart(
id: "bitcoin", vsCurrency: "usd", days: 30,interval: ChartTimeInterval.DAILY);
//a list of CoinDataPoint instances from 30 days back until now, one data point a day
7. var result = await api.getCoinMarketChartRanged(
id: "bitcoin",
vsCurrency: "usd",
from: DateTime(2021, 4, 2),
to: DateTime(2021, 4, 10));
//a list of CoinDataPoint instances between from Date and to Date
I'll now focus on adding better documentation for all this before implementing beta api functionality. (Apr 18 21)