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Christian Mayer edited this page May 30, 2019 · 8 revisions


  • CMake (For building)
  • Boost (Filesystem / DateTime / Program Options)
  • yaml-cpp (Data source)
  • mstch (Mustache for C++: generate HTML files)

Recommended Dependencies

Optional Dependencies

Install on macOS via Homebrew

  1. Add the thefox/brewery tap to brew.

    $ brew tap thefox/brewery
  2. Actual installation.

    $ brew install wallet-cpp
  3. Test successful installation.

    $ wallet --help

Install via Debian repository

Only Debian 9 (stretch) is supported.

Add the public GPG key to the apt sources keyring:

$ wget -qO - '' | sudo apt-key add -

Verify key on the keyring. This should print out informations about the key:

$ apt-key list

Add apt source file and update:

$ echo "deb stretch main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/fox21at.list
$ apt-get update

Install the package:

$ sudo apt-get install wallet-cpp

Now you can run the program:

$ wallet --help

Install under Debian via .deb file

Go to the GitHub releases page and download the desired version file. Then run:

$ sudo dpkg --install <deb_file>