A collection of my files and apps I use for my linux setup. Feel free to take/copy paste any of the files. Copy fonts to ~/.local/share/fonts/ to use them.
I no longer use dwm, but kde plasma for my desktop, but all my past configs are availible here too.
BTW I use Arch
- git
- hub
- lxappearance
- rofi
- dmenu
- pywal
- neovim with vim-plug
- neofetch
- zathura
- zathura-pdf-poppler
- mpd
- mpc
- mpv
- pamixer
- i3lock
- yay
- juno-theme-git
- moka-icon-theme-git
- betterlockscreen
- android-file-transfer-linux-git
- lf-git
- openrazer-meta
- razergenie
- Alacritty
- alacritty-color-export
- i3
- polybar