A simple PHP class to calculate a full SSCC code given your vendor code and shipping number
$vendorCode = 800200800;
$shippingNumber = 1234;
$sscc = new TheHiddenHaku\SerialShippingContainerCode\SerialShippingContainerCode($vendorCode);
echo $sscc->calculate($shippingNumber);
//echoes '080020080000012346'
install with composer
composer require thehiddenhaku/sscc
First you need to instantiate the class
$sscc = new TheHiddenHaku\SerialShippingContainerCode\SerialShippingContainerCode($vendorCode, $extensionDigit);
The first parameter $vendorCode
is your personal vendor code.
The code must be assigned to you (or your client) by and authority.
It can be either 7 or 9 digit long.
The second parameter $extensionDigit
is an optional digit that will be added at the beginning of the code.
It defaults to 0
but you can override it with any positive integer between 0
and 9
Once the class is ready, just call the calculate()
method like this
$code = $sscc->calculate($shippingNumber);
the parameter $shippingNumber
id the progressive number of your shipping.
If your $vendorCode
is 7 digit your $shippingNumber
must be 9 digit (it will be "zerofilled" behind the scene)
if your $vendorCode
is 9 digit your $shippingNumber
must be 7 digit (it will be "zerofilled" behind the scene)
The method will return a complete SSCC code (with the correct Check Digit) which you can use where needed for instance in logistic labels
I used phpunit so you can just run
Feel free to contribute and improve the class. just fork it and open you PR
This library is licensed under the MIT license. Please see License file for more information.