A basic C-like language interpreter, which compiles to bytecode and is run on a VM.
Note that there is nothing special about this language, because it is just a project to learn basic parsing and execution of programming languages.
- variable assignment, integer arithmetic, strings
- if, while statement
- Partial implementation of (first class) functions, no support for closures
- native function calls (eg printing)
fun sum(a, n) {
// sum integers from 1 .. 50
let i = 0;
let x = a - 1;
while x < n {
x = x + 1;
i = i + x;
return i;
let s = "Sum of ";
let t = "ints from 1..50: ";
fun tfunc() {
return t;
print(s + tfunc());
print(sum(1, 50));