Use signs to teleport between servers and display server status on them.
- display status from other servers on signs
- display motd on multiple lines
- teleport to other servers by clicking the sign (when the servers are behind a BungeeCord proxy)
- only updates a defined amount of signs per tick
Drop the .jar into your plugin folder and start/stop your server. Edit the config file to your needs.
offline-message: '&cServer is offline!' #message send to player
show-offline-message: true
interval: 5 #time between pings/signupdate in seconds
sign-updates: 20 #signs updates per tick
timeout: 1500 #connect timeout
cooldown: 2000 #teleport cooldown
debug: false #debugmode
pvp: #as specified in bungee's config
address: '' #address
displayname: '&cPVP' #name to display on signs
teleport: true #if the sign should teleport the player to another server
- '&bTeleport to:'
- '%motd%'
- '&f&l%numpl%/%maxpl%'
- '%isonline%'
online: '&aOnline' #replaced with %isonline%
offline: '&cOffline' #replaced with %isonline%
%numpl% -> online players
%maxpl% -> max players
%motd% -> motd send from server
%displayname% -> servers displayname (defined in config)
%isonline% -> displays text defined by 'online' and 'offline'