Say What was a project started at the New York Times Developers Hack Day on Nov 16, 2013.
Goal; Compute the complexity of each bill in congress. As a first crack, measure the number of references to laws. Usually, such references are particularly obscure. There is not an easily-recognizable grammar to recognize legal citations inline, but a few common words will suffice for startsers; "United States Code", "Federal Register", U.S.C., "Public Law", "Private Law"
First make sure you have Pip installed and run pip install -r requirements.txt
Next run
Finally you need to obtain keys for the APIs and set them up in
not exist by default):
keys = {
'nyt_article_search': '***',
'nyt_campaign_finance': '***',
'nyt_congress': '***',
'sunlight': '***',
You can get a key from and