ltwitter is a Twitter API wrapper for Lua. It is managed by Linus Sjögren.
The code is licensed under the CC0 license. Basically, public domain.
Here’s a list of stuff ltwitter needs to run:
All these should be automatically installed if you install ltwitter with LuaRocks.
You don’t need JSON4Lua, any module called “json” that has a decode function should work.
myClient = twitter.client("OAuth consumer key", "OAuth consumer secret")
status = myClient:showStatus{id = 123}
ltwitter stays very close to the original Twitter API. All arguments passed to a function will be passed on as GET/POST data in the request.
Therefore, to know what arguments you can use for what functions, use the official Twitter documentation.
A list of functions and their respective API resource is in init.lua (lines 20 → 120).