About PyGPT:
This is a python-based ChatGPT and a text to image tool. Do you have any question? AskGpt or you need a photo you can't find on google?... Create one, Just type how you want your image to be and see the magic.
Currently supporting Android (Termux). I may work on Linux support
To use this tool make sure you Go to >> https://platform.openai.com << and click on the sign up button. If you already have an account skip this option use temp mail as your email when signing up.
After you login/signup go to >> https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys << and click on the create new secrete key button then paste it in the "Provide your Api" space in the tool
To run the tool, you will need to install the following packages:
This is a guide to using the following commannds on your termux terminal:
But first of all, you should also ensure that your Android device is up-to-date by running the following command:
apt update && apt upgrade
Then install the required packages
pkg install git && pkg install python && pkg install clang && pkg install python-pip
Clear the terminal due to installation results
To run the Python script, you will need to clone the repository using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/TheNooB4/PyGPT.git
Then navigate into the PyGPT
cd PyGPT
Finally, install the required Python modules:
bash req.sh
Now you are ready to run the Python script just type the below Gpt:
Credits to: Spider Anongreyhat https://github.com/spider863644
For more information on using these commands, please refer to the official documentation: