An MP3 player application written for the Cobblr framework.
Here's a list of hardware necessary to make the phone work:
- 1 Raspberry Pi
- 1 Adafruit 2.8in PiTFT
- 1 (Optional) Adafruit Powerboost 1000C
- 1 (Optional) Adafruit Lipo Battery 2500mAh
This application works great with cobblr-phone( If you'd like to make a cellphone that uses Cobblr, you can follow the directions here to wire it up.
Follow the directions to install the Cobblr framework. The PiTFT should be configured in portrait mode (no rotation). Once that's finished, and the framework is installed, execute this command:
sudo cobblr install cobblr-music
Though not required, I've made a polycarbonate and aluminum body for it. The CADs are avaliable here. Other applications were made to work with the cobblr-music:
PiPhone is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info. Make it better!