🔭 I’m currently working on Project Insidious
🌱 I’m currently learning Tensorflow , Mern
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Project Dark Web
🤝 I’m looking for help with GoLang
💬 Ask me about Anything
📫 How to reach me theraj05@duck.com
Experienced developer skilled in Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Golang, and more. I've crafted full-stack web apps, mobile applications, and worked with technologies like Flutter, AWS, Azure, and Cloudflare. Currently, I'm dedicated to the 'Insidious' project in the dark web domain. I'm eager to collaborate with fellow professionals who embrace creative and original ideas. You'll notice a growing number of repositories as I import projects from my old github id and release exciting open-source contributions."
I love connecting with different people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to meet you more! :)