This creates automated 12 random word phrases to use with brainflayer, The speed on this is super fast
The was originally written in pyton and converted to C for speed and to run multipul instances.
Just running the script from the commandline will randomly generate 2, 3, 6, and 12 BIP39 code phrases::
The C Dependencies are listed below
- Python 2.7 installed for library purposes on some machines
gcc -v -Os -I /usr/include/python2.7/ -L /usr/local/lib/python2.7/ -o bip39helper bip39helper.c -lpython2.7 -lpthread -lm -lutil -ldl
Running the script is simple
Make it super simple I have encluded the BIP39.txt files for the different languages, all you need to do is choose your target. I will update and work on this more.. However right now all you need to do is for EXAMPLE english, copy the english.txt to wordlist.txt In unix its cp english.txt wordlist.txt, you can do this for any language.
./bip39helper -l 12 >> 12words.txt
In this example the script generates 12 random words per line of a text file, the -n specifys the # of lines you wish to make your txt file, and then save them to 12words.txt as output file NOTE This can create VERY LARGE .txt files depending how many <-n> you pass to the script
This example Does not create any massive txt file and directs output directly to brainflayer, this is the most effect and fastest way to start checking BIP39 phrases
./bip39helper -l 12 | ../brainflayer/brainflayer -v -m -o foundkeys.txt -b testfile.blf
** Note in Version 1.02 I added the -l for words per line tag, and removed having to specify the number of lines you want to create since this is designed to be piped write to brainflayer per example
rate: 270111.98 p/s found: 0/786432 elapsed: 11.218 s
NOTE I have been able to use this with over 10 process's running smooth on a I7-8400K
-l <number of words per line, valid imputs are 2, 3, 6, 12 >
- Generates code phrases. If you put invalid number it will just output the invalid number to screen.
-w or --wordlist
- Imports file to use for generating random phrases instead of the default wordlist.txt.
Multiple operators can be used together.
Free and OpenSource to the public
If you find this useful and wish to donate:
BTC Address: 1PJbzgqXDcbeqv2NXccQhY7HFWFxeURE22