Because the project advanced a little and so the visions did, XAWP will be merged into OAWP. This is because OAWP visions X11, Wayland, macOS and Windows support, so making separate basecodes would be burdensome, and continuing this project would make transitioning to OAWP even harder.
The XAWP project will still continue under the Open Animated Wallpaper Player (OAWP) with the XAWP codename, along with WAWP, WinAWP and MAWP.
The new repository is available at
X11 Animated Wallpaper Player - An X11 animated wallpaper player made to be easily configurable, be fast and work in compositors
XAWP is based on AlecsFerra's animated_wallpaper.c github gist.
This is an X11 alternative for glouw/paperview which does not rely on use of SDL2.
You don't need SDL2 to run this, it can work in compositors and it should be faster.
Unlike AlecsFerra's animated_wallpaper.c, XAWP can be installed more easily and can be configured directly in ~/.config/XAWP/XAWP.conf instead of modifying the source code line by line.
For example, instead of adding the path of the wallpaper files in the source code, the user can add the path of folder containing the animated wallpaper picture frames with the following options:
- By writing the directory into the configuration file
- By appending to the command an argument to the directory
- bash
- gcc
- make (gmake for BSD)
- imlib2
- libx11
- libconfig
- lolcat (optional)
- Add arguments
- Add configuration file
- Add fit
- Automate ImageMagick picture converting from gif to other formats with user prompt
- Add major desktop environments support
- Documentation and populate this file and wiki
Get help from the wiki!
In present time, XAWP is still buggy and it's advised to use the stable version if you are not developing for XAWP.