A selection list is a collection that keeps track of which item in the collection is currently selected. This data structure is especially useful when working with components such as tabs, pages, slideshows and anything pagination related.
type alias SelectionList a =
{ previous : List a
, selected : a
, next : List a
You can easily create a selection list from a list and a default value
mySelectionList : SelectionList Int
mySelectionList =
fromList 1 [2, 3, 4, 5]
This selection list will have 1 as its first and selected value and the list will be the next values.
You can also easily move along the selection list. If you wish that 2
be selected, you can just call next
mySelectionList2 =
next mySelectionList
We can query for the selected index with the dot syntax
mySelectionList2.selected -- 2
We can also go to the previous element
mySelectionList3 =
previous mySelectionList2 -- 1
Or go to an nth element
mySelectionList4 =
goto 3 mySelectionList -- 4
You can map over a selection list
mySelectionList5 =
map (\x -> x * x) mySelectionList
You can map by index
mySelectionList6 =
indexedMap (\index x -> index + x) mySelectionList
or you can apply different behaviors depending on whether the element is selected or not
mySelectionList7 =
selectedMap (\isSelected x -> if isSelected then -1 else x) mySelectionList
You can ask how long the selection list is
length mySelectionList -- 5
or you can ask for the index of the selected element in the selection list
selectedIndex (next mySelectionList) -- 1
Note that the selection list is 0-based and thus the first element is the 0th element.
Finally, you can convert a selection list to a list
toList mySelectionList -- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]