Cymon is the largest tracker and aggregator of security reports. This repository aims to easily utilize and incorporate the tools they provide within existing SIEM software as well as Information Security Departments.
Simple enough,
pip install -r requirements.txt
and you are all set.
This will pull a feed holding the most recent events/malware/urls sent to cymon. This script can be automated to run at set intervals. There is a file named ".namelastcall" that is used to store the filename of events pulled the last time the script was run. It is used to confirm we are not double sending the same IPs, URLs, or Domains that were in the last run.
If needing to authenticate with proxy, simply add the proxy settings to config.ini file in directory above and it will prompt for credentials.
This is used to query the cymon api and pull all relevant information regarding a specific IP/URL/File. Currently, it is only setup for IP addresses. To get a list of all possible arguments run
python --help
and a list of all options with descriptions of each will appear.
The script can handle when an IP address is not supplied. For example, the -i option can be used, but if it does not have an IP address following it then the script will return none for results.
If needing to authenticate to proxy, simply add the proxy settings to config.ini file and script will use the credentials provided in -u and -p options to authenticate with proxy. -u -p
If you want to use the Token specified in the config.ini file, rather than iterate over 5 keys specified in .key1->5 evenly. It decides which key to use based on the number specified in .keynum, which is changed automatically every call to Please provide the -1 or --1key flags in your call to to make the token used come strictly from config.ini
python <EVENT_ID> -i <IP_ADDRESS>
***The -i option must always be defined as the last argument provided in the usage to ensure no errors, including the -1 or --1key flags. Working on a fix for this. ***
This will do the same thing that
does but it will also pull WHOIS information from the X-Force API.** Be sure to enter you're X-Force Key and Password as well as your Cymon Key when running. **
python -i <IP>
The database is capable of handling only the script To use the database with WHOIS information please proceed to the subdirectory /whois
Still working on integration within a database. Ability to query and store URL information as well as File hashes is being worked on. Ability to generate a CEF event upon a change within the database is also coming.