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Simple state management inspired on Redux.

Motivation: I've been using Redux in several projects recently and don't get me wrong, I love it, but I've found that at some point, if my app scales, my Redux files (actions/reducers/store) start to get messy and a bit annoying to handle. So inspired by the basic concepts of Redux, I decided to create this library where I've simplified that workflow and aim to have a better and easier file structure. I hope you like it and any feedback or collaboration is more than welcome.


npm install thrux --save

or with yarn

yarn add thrux



import { register } from 'thrux';

const state = {
    dispatcher: (payload, state)=> console.log('New State', payload), 
    map: rawValue =>, 
    error: err => console.err('An error happened', err)


createDict(dispatcher, map, error)

Create the dictionary of methods that will be used for each action.

Param Type Description
dispatcher Function Update the current state. This could return an Object or a Promise and update the state async.
map Function (optional) A map function to sanitize the value handle by the dispatcher function.
error Function (optional) Error handler.
import { createDict } from 'thrux';

const postJson = data => ({
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  body: JSON.stringify(data),

const counter = {
  INCREASE: createDict((payload, state) => state + 1),
  DECREASE: createDict((payload, state) => state - 1),

const user = {
  SIGN_IN: createDict(({ username, pass }) =>
      fetch('./sign_in_url', postJson({ username, pass }))
          .then(user => ({ username:, pass: user.password }))),

You can define an INIT action with a function that sets the initial value of your state after register

import { createDict } from 'thrux';

const counter = {
  INIT    : createDict(() => 1),
  INCREASE: createDict((payload, state) => state + 1),
  DECREASE: createDict((payload, state) => state - 1),


Initialize Thrux store.

Param Type Description
options Object Initialize any module: { middlewares: [], dicts: {}, observers: {}, store: {} }
import { init } from 'thrux';
init({ store: { test: 0 } });


Triggers INIT action (a.k.a. initialize the state manually)

Param Type Description
key String or [Array of Strings] (optional) State(s) that want to initialize
import { initState } from 'thrux';

initState(['counter', 'user']);


Register your dictionaries.

Param Type Description
dictionaries Object List of states and their respective dictionaries
import { register } from 'thrux';

register({ counter, user });

dispatch(stateAction, data)

Dispatch the action that will update your state.

Param Type Description
stateAction String or [Array of Strings] String(s) that represents the state(s) and the action(s) that you want to dispatch: 'state:ACTION'
data Any (optional) Whatever data your dispatcher function is prepared to handle
import { dispatch } from 'thrux';


dispatch(['counter:INCREASE', 'counter2:INCREASE']);

dispatch('user:SIGN_IN', { user:'Thram', pass:'password' });


returns: [Object]

Retrieve the state value.

Param Type Description
stateKey String or [Array of Strings] (optional) String(s) that represents the state(s)
import { state } from 'thrux';

const allStates = state();

const someStates = state(['counter','user']);

const userStates = state('user');

observe(stateKey, listener)

Observe when the state changed.

Param Type Description
stateKey String String that represents the state
listener Function Function that gets trigger when the state changes
import { observe } from 'thrux';

observe('user', (state, actionKey) => console.log(actionKey, state.profile));
Micro Observer

You can observe specific parts of the state for changes

import { observe } from 'thrux';

observe('user.profile', (profile, actionKey) => console.log(actionKey, profile));
observe('', (name, actionKey) => console.log(actionKey, name));

removeObserver(stateKey, listener)

Remove an observe listener.

Param Type Description
stateKey String String that represents the state
listener Function Function that gets trigger when the state changes
import { observe, removeObserver } from 'thrux';

const logProfile = (auth) => console.log(auth.profile);

observe('user', logProfile);

removeObserver('user', logProfile); // logProfile won't trigger


Remove all observe listeners.

Param Type Description
stateKey String or [Array of Strings] String that represents the state
import { clearObservers } from 'thrux';

clearObservers(['counter1', 'counter2']);


Add some middleware function. It won't modified the state.

Param Type Description
middleware Function or [Array of Functions] Function(s) that trigger when the state changes with the following params: {state, action, prev, payload, next}
import { addMiddleware } from 'thrux';

// Add logger
addMiddleware(({ state, action, prev, payload, next }) => console.log({ state, action, prev, payload, next }));
addMiddleware([({ prev }) => console.log('prev', prev), ({ next }) => console.log('next', next)]);


Retrieve the state(s) actions keys.

Param Type Description
stateKey String or [Array of Strings] (optional) String(s) that represents the state(s)
import { getActions } from 'thrux';

const actions = getActions('user'); // ['user:INIT', 'user:SIGN_IN']


Clear Thrux store.

import { clear } from 'thrux';
init({ store: { test: 0 } }); // { test:0 }
clear(); // { }


Reset Thrux all your modules to your initial values.

import { init, register, reset } from 'thrux';
init({ store: { test: 0 } }); // { test:0 }
register({ counter }); // { test:0, counter: 0 }
reset(); // { test:0 }

