Now you can easily Set-up your minimum Browser Requirement for your Application.
Require this package with composer using the following command
composer require tibian/browser-requirement
After updating composer, add the service provider to the providers array in config/app.php
Publish the config file to change it as you wish.
php artisan vendor:publish
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="TiBian\BrowserRequirement\BrowserRequirementServiceProvider" --tag=config
Open the config/browser.php and you are ready to start.
Let set-up minimum Browser Requirement for OS X and Windows...
Os::OSX => [
Browser::CHROME => 25,
Browser::FIREFOX => 25,
Browser::OPERA => 29,
// Windows
Os::WINDOWS => [
Browser::CHROME => 25,
Browser::FIREFOX => 25,
Browser::OPERA => 29,
Browser::SAFARI => 8,
Browser::IE => 9,
Browser::EDGE => 11,
This is a Example from the Routes you need, you are free to customize the Routes like you wish.
Route::get("requirement-browser", "ErrorsController@browser")
Route::get("/", "PagesController@index")