Tampermonkey script that enable back and forward navigation using touch in firefox. Inspired by Microsoft Edge. This script enable you to using a single finger to move back and forward in the browser history by swiping anywhere on the body of the page.
The script works but I have not yet added visual controls. In egde (and firefox on other platforms) some arrows are being displayed when you initiate the swipe. I have not implemented that yet.
When you touch the screen the x,y coordinates are being registred. When you lift your finger again. If you have moved the finger more than 45px to the right or left navigation will be triggered.
Can be installed from https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/440013-touch-ui-back-and-forward-buttons-for-firefox or by:
- open FireFox-Touch-Navigation.js
- Add script from FireFox-Touch-Navigation.js to tampermonkey. Save Reload the browser Start swimping left or right Enjoy :)
Install node.js npm install -g typescript
Navigate to directory where FireFox-Touch-Navigation.ts is placed run: tsc .\FireFox-Touch-Navigation.ts
Pull requests are welcome.