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Thorin and company

This project was built using GitPod and Git.

Deployment on Heroku

Create the Heroku app

  1. Create an account or Login:

  2. Click on Create a new app:

    • Create a new app
  3. Fill up the form:

    • Make sure to give a unique name to your app.
    • Spaces are not allowed and hyphens should be used instead.
    • Set your region.
    • Click on Create app.
    • New app form
  4. You are now directed to your app dashboard.

  5. Scroll down to Install the Heroku CLI:

    • There are different option available to deploy the project. Here we are using Heroku command-line-interface (CLI) also known as Heroku toolbelt.
    • Heroku CLI
  6. Go to your Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and open your project.

  7. Open the terminal and follow the next steps.

  8. Install Heroku by typing:

    • npm install -g heroku in the CLI.
    • npm stand for Node Package Manager.
    • -g means that we install the Heroku globally or system-wide.
    • It is important to note that if -g is not included, Heroku will only be installed within a directory called “node-modules” and it will not work as we want it to.
  9. Login to Heroku in the terminal:

    • Type heroku login -i.
    • Follow the steps by entering the account details used for this project on Heroku.
    • Login to Heroku from the CLI
  10. On the Heroku platform and on your app dashboard, look for Open app on the top right by scrolling up:

    • open-app
  11. Now your Heroku app is running:

    • Note that this is the default Heroku app and that you still need to push your project to it.
    • Your app's URL corresponds to

Deploy to Heroku

With Heroku toolbelt, by pushing your code to the Git URL that Heroku provides:

  1. Go to settings on your Heroku dashboard and copy your Heroku Git URL.
  2. Heroku settings
  3. Heroku Git URL
  4. Create another git remote (that will be different from “origin”*):
    • Type in the terminal git remote add *name-of-your-remote* + paste the Git URL and press enter.
    • Git remote command
  5. Push to Heroku:
    • Type in the terminal git push -u *name-of-your-remote* master
    • Push to Heroku
  6. You will get an error message because the requirements file is missing. We will add it in the next step.
  7. We need to create a requirements.txt file that will list all the Python dependencies the project needs to install in order to run successfully:
    • This will provide Heroku a mean to know what language we are using.
    • Type in the terminal pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt. This will redirect the output of the freeze command (that list the dependencies) into a file called requirements.txt.
    • Add, Commit and Push to Heroku remote master as in step 5.:
    • Requirements file
  8. Create a Procfile:
    • Type in the terminal echo web: python > Procfile.
    • It is important to note that is the name of our python file and Procfile is with a capital P.
  9. Add, Commit and Push as shown below:
    • Add Procfile
  10. By reloading a refreshing your app on Heroku or by clicking on Òpen app, your app should display now.
  11. Because in this project we use a secret-key variable, we need, for the application to fully function, to add any hidden environment variables, or Config Vars, within our App Settings.
    • Go to the app settings.
    • Click on Reveal Config Vars.
    • Reveal Config Vars
    • Add the variables as shown:
    • Config Vars
    • The first two correspond on how we set the app and can be found on top of the file.
    • The last ones come from the file.

With Automatic Deployment from GitHub, by linking a GitHub repository to Heroku and deploy it automatically.

  1. From the Deploy section of your app, click on the GitHub Deployment method:
  2. Deploy with GitHub
  3. Click on connect to GitHub and Authorize Heroku to connect.
    • Connect GitHub
    • Authorize Heroku
  4. Fill up the input for the name of your repository and click search.
  5. Click connect.
    • Connect the app
  6. You need to make sure your project is not connected to Heroku but only to GitHub:
    • in the terminal, type git remote -v and if it returns more the heroku remote, than remove it with the command git remote rm *name-of-your-remote*
  7. Add and Push your project to GitHub typing in the terminal:
    • git add .
    • git commit -m "Push to GitHub."
    • git push origin master
    • Note that here the “main” branch is called “master”. You can check your main branch name in the settings of your repository on GitHub.
  8. Click on Deploy Automatically and Deploy Branch.
    • Deployment
  9. When Deployment successful, you can view the website clicking on view or Òpen app
    • Open app GitHub

Key steps to Deploy on Heroku

This will give a quick and short reminder on the important steps to deploy the on Heroku.

  1. Create a Heroku app
  2. Connect Git remote to Heroku or Set automatic Deployment from GitHub.
  3. Create a requirements.txt file
  4. Create a Heroku Procfile: Tells Heroku how to run the project.

You can find the Heroku CLI command on Code-Institute-Solutions/ FlaskFramework