A user inputs a desired country/region and is given a random meal from that region. Or, the user may choose to receive a random meal from anywhere in the world. WOW!
A user is given ingredients and directions for the meal, along with an image of the meal and a map of where it is from. The user may choose to remember the meal as a "favorite" which will be displayed on the home screen.
A user may also choose to be given a random cocktail to go along with their meal.
As a foodie, I want a meal recommendation from a particular region so that I can prepare it for myself to eat!
When arriving to main page select a country from which you would like to recieve a recipe from. Next, click on the search button.
You will then be directed to the results page where you will find your recipe as well as a random drink to accompany your meal. You have the option of saving the meal as well.
HTML - Markup language used to define the structure of webpage.
jQuery - JavaScript library that simplifies HTML client-side scripting. Used in this application to access APIs and dynamically create and update HTML elements.
thecocktaildb Drinks from everywhere