Automated Munar Mission with Non-Coplanar Free Return Trajectory using N-body Physics
I am not a software developer and created this in my spare time.
The classes folder contains the python code for each segment of the mission. The files folder contains the inputs files and the intermediate files created by the code. The utility folder contains useful funtions that are used throughout the program. The cpp folder contains the code for the simulation and solving of the trajectories.
The goal of this project was to land a spacecraft on the Mun using automated guidance and precalculated burns. I originally underestimated the complexity of this task. It seemed that each part that I thought would be simple was not, and each problem I solved resulted in two more. If I had known how long it was going to take and how hard it was going to be, I may have never started. But here we are!
Special thanks to Noiredd for developing PEGAS and Eggrobin and Pleroy for developing principia. Without these I would not have been able to complete this project.