OSM PHP API is an API for Online Scout Manager (OSM). It provides a number of functions for the collecting information from OSM. It also provides a parent and leaders area that are intergrated into OSM.
It also provides a financal area giving leaders the ability to add payments onto the website.
Copy me onto your server in the www directory Go to www.yourwebsite.com/OSM-API/Install/install.php Follow the instructions on the screen
Backup all your files first! Copy me onto your server in the www directory Go to www.yourwebsite.com/OSM-API/Install/install.php Follow the instructions on the screen
Copy all the files in the OSM-PHP-API directory onto your server, you can put it into any folder name Ensure that the folder has write permissions for the PHP user Go to www.yourwebsite.com/(DirectoryName)/Install/install.php Follow the instructions on the screen
To run OSM-PHP-API you must have the following on your server
- PHP (version 5+)
phpLiteAdmin For full details of phpLiteAdmin vist their page; https://code.google.com/p/phpliteadmin/