A simple RESTful API coded in Python with flask and Mongo Db for storing data
You are a user who wants to save some special sentence.
- So first register , and send POST request with this JSON {"username": your_username, "password": your password} to "/register" route
- With this registration, you will be granted 10 tokens
- To store your sentence, send POST request with this JSON {"username": your_username, "password": your password,"sentence": your_sentence} to "/store" route,it will cost you one token
- To get your sentence, send POST request with this JSON {"username": your_username, "password": your password} to "/get" route, it will cost you one token
- To update your sentence, send PUT request {"username": your_username, "password": your password, "sentence": your_sentence} }to "/update" route, it will cost you one token
- To delete your sentence, send DELETE request {"username": your_username, "password": your password, "fullDeletion": False} , set fullDeletion key to True if you want to delete your account as well, for free
- Make sure you have Docker installed on your OS
- Download this repo
- do a
docker-compose build
at the root of the downloaded repo, thendocker-compose up
- api available locally at
You can test this API using Postman or others tools