This is a simple project to implment star notary on etheruem rinkeby test network using ERC721 token standrad
- Expressjs (to run client interface "index.html")
- openzeppelin-solidity
- truflle (for local testing and deployment )
to install prerequisites run npm install
to start the application run node server.js
this is the starting script to start the server at defined port ,in this project port is 8080
- 1540024592710
- 1540019896855
- first when putting a star for sale after verifying the owner ,need to check if this star is already putted for sale before to avoid returning same token id duplicated and only updates the price for last one
- second buying using only mapping between tokenid and price will not give the ability to get all stars for sale token ids
- in this implmentation we have a mapping _starsForSale (maps tokenid to its price . zero value is a reset value)
- in case the star price is zero we mapp the price to the tokenid
- we push tokenid into _starsForSale_TokenId which used to track all token ids for stars for sale
- then we mapp the index+1 for pushed tokeid into _starsForSaleIndex ,and this mapping is used to reduce the looping through to search for a given tokenid
- if the value of mapping _starsForSale not zero means this tokenid is already had price and we need only to change the price
- after successfull buying we remove tokenid from the _starsForSale_TokenId array so this tokenid no longer retruned as a token id for sale