A SwiftPM package containting a binary framework built from matrix-org/matrix-ios-sdk.
The framework contains the following binaries:
- iOS (arm64)
- iOS Simulator (arm64/x86_64)
- macOS (arm64/x86_64): v0.18.2 upwards
These binaries are currently not included:
- Mac Catalyst (arm64/x86_64)
To add MatrixSDK to your Xcode project, choose File | Swift Packages | Add Package Dependency...
and enter the following url.
To be able to debug the library in your derived project, clone the original matrix-ios-sdk.
Then, in your Xcode project, add an LLDB init file at the top of project named LLDBInitFile
and map the source path generated in this build to the path where you cloned the project to:
settings set target.source-map /Users/runner/work/MatrixSDK/MatrixSDK/matrix-ios-sdk/MatrixSDK /Users/christopher/Documents/Development/Xcode/iOS/third_party/matrix-ios-sdk/MatrixSDK
Edit your Xcode build scheme and configure $(SRCROOT)/LLDBInitFile
for the LLDB Init File setting.