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Python API for writing scripts for the seedbox-y service, plus a GUI client and a server-based HTML client.

This is a first version of a pythonic API to access (called JSIT from now on). It also provides a GUI for using JSIT more or less like a reguler torrent client (see YAJSIG below for details) and a HTML-based server to do automatica and/or remote-controlled downloads and management (see YAJSIS below).

Requirements and Installation

For Windows if you only care about YAJSIG and/or YAJSIS you can download a binary version on github.

For Linux or if you want to change anything in the code you need the source. The best way to get it is directly from github. Just install git and clone the repository: git clone

In addition to the source you need a few tools/libraries. As the name implies, it is written in Python, so you need Python (version 2.7, not 3.x) installed. It also uses the non-standard requests and BeautifulSoup4 modules, and the GUI client uses pyside. Many Linux distros have them included, look for something along the lines of python-cherrypy, python-requests and python-pyside in your package installer.

Alternatively you can install pip. Every distro has a python-pip package, once you have that installed run

pip install BeautifulSoup4 requests pyside

and you will have everything you need.

To run the actual programs you should change into the source directory and run them as python resp. python


The GUI is pretty simple and hopefuly fairly self-explanatory (questions should go here). On the first start it will ask for the JSIT username and password to use. These are stored in the preferences.json file (among other things), if you need to remove or change them.

Adding new torrents can be done in 4 ways:

  • + Files: Add selected torrent files
  • + URL: Add from an http:// or magnet: URL
  • Watch Clipboard: Watch the clipboard for magnet: or http://...torrent links and upload them
  • Watch Directory: Watch the intorrents directory in the program folder for .torrent files

Torrents that have been added this way are automatically downloaded into the downloads folder once they are finished on JSIT (can be changed in the right click menu). The system checks whether the file(s) already exist and skips files that are complete and correct. Torrents that are already on JSIT when the program starts are displayed the same way, but are not marked for automatic downloading. To download these just check the Download when finished checkboxes in the appropriate rows or just use the right-click menu.

Note: The GUI reflects the status of the JSIT server. Thus some actions can take a few seconds to show up in the GUI, depending on how long it takes to transmit them to the server and get the result back. Some actions, especially adding torrents and starting downloads can actually take quite a while before the results become visible. Before posting bug reports, please make sure that things didn't just happen a few seconds late.

Please use for feature discussions and discussions and for bugs.


The goal of YAJSIS is to run it on a server and control it via a web browser from a different machine (which could be in a different place). It does not try to replicate all the web functionality, it is really targeted at starting and controlling the download process. It's probably not totally self-explanatory, but it should be pretty straightforward to use with the right expectations: downloading.

It is configured using the same preferences.json file as YAJSIG. I would recommend playing with YAJSIG to find the settings that you want then then copy them over to the YAJSIS directory on the server. You can also run it without a preferences file, but then you need to pass the username and password on the commandline.

Given that it's written in Python it should run pretty much anywhere. By default it runs on port 8282 (changeable with the "--port=" command line option or in the preferences file), so make sure that port is open in the firewall, or use an ssh tunnel to log into the server and tunnel the connection to your local machine for access (look at the -L option for ssh).

Word of warning: even though it looks like a nice, interactive, responsive HTML5 application, be aware that there are two levels of servers in the middle when interacting with it (the yajsis server and the JSIT server), so some actions can take a little while before you see a result (e.g. starting a download). Patience, grasshopper! ;)


As there is no configuration GUI right now all configurations need to be in the preferences.json file. Make sure you edit it with a Unicode-aware editor (like Notepad++ or SciTe). Most of it should be relatively obvious (if not, post questions here).

The one part that is definitely not obivous is the auto-download. Auto-download has some basic configurations variables that are simple, and a list of types. Each type has a few variables to configure it's behavior. Example:

      "CatPictures": {
        "completedDirectory": "E:\\completed\\CatPictures", 
        "deleteSkippedAndStopped": true, 
        "matchLabels": [
        "matchNames": [], 
        "priority": 70

The variables are:

  • completedDirectory: Where completed torrents of this type should be moved
  • deleteSkippedAndStopped : whether to delete torrents of this type that have a skipLabel and are stopped (usually because they expired or have exhausted their upload ratio settings)
  • matchLabels : list of labels that denote a torrent being of this type, actually interpreted as REs
  • matchNames : ditto
  • priority : which priority (0-100) to use for this type

Feel free to ask questions in the thread mentioned above.

Library Concepts

The basics should be pretty obvious after looking at the examples (example_*.py). One thing that is not going to be obvious is the update rate for the JSIT classes.

To avoid hammering the JSIT servers every time a variable is requested, the JSIT responses are cached. The time for the cachine depends on the data, basic info like completed percentage is cached for just 60 seconds, less quickly changing data like the tracker or peer data is cached for 300, and data that is unlikely to change at all, like the list of files, forever. There are methods to explicitly update the data if needed, but please use them carefully. If you overload the servers, your account will be suspended!

More explanations will come as questions come in, so if something looks strange or you just cannot figure out, please send me an email or post it in the JSIT forum at


This is so cool, can I buy you a beer?

Unfortunately I don't drink beer. :(

But I like books and gadgets! So if you're serious I'd very much appreciate if you could send me an Amazon Gift Card to . Thanks!

Acknowledgement: the icons used are from the Crystal Clear Iconset (