Repository to store and share useful files, scripts and wrappers for performance analysis with BSC's performance analysis tools (Paraver, Dimemas, etc.)
- The cfgs directory contains different folders organized by topics. Each folder contains Paraver configuration files related to its topic in a hierarchical way. For example, the cfgs/counters_PAPI keeps configurations displaying PAPI counters information; the cfgs/dlb folder has useful configuratons for analysing DLB events.
- The filters directory contains .xml files to be used with the paramedir tool for filtering purposes.
- In the repository you can also find the statically compiled packages of Dimemas and Paraver for Linux_x86_64 downloaded from BSC's tools website
Paraver's configuration files are know to be obscure for inxerperienced users. To deal with this lack of information, we will try to add a coment in each cfg/filter file with a brief description of what it does. There are many files and it is difficult to comment all them, therefore contributions to document are more than welcome.