logParse -h 可以查看详细帮助
usage: logParse [-h] [-f LOGFILE] [-t LOGTYPE] [-u BASEURL] [--version]
Diannao51 web log analysis.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f LOGFILE, --logfile LOGFILE log file to analysis.
-t LOGTYPE, --logtype LOGTYPE which type of zhe log:apache|nginx|iis
-u BASEURL, --baseurl BASEURL log for website domain url
--version show program's version number and exit
1、分析http://diannao51.com 站点的Apache日志
logParse -f access.log -t apache -u http://diannao51.com
2、分析http://diannao51.com 站点的nginx日志
logParse -f access.log -t nginx -u http://diannao51.com
3、分析http://diannao51.com 站点的iis日志
logParse -f access.log -t iis -u http://diannao51.com
pip install argparse
pip install xlsxwriter
pip install pygeoip
pip install fileinput