This repository contains the code and data needed to replicate the results of our paper "Drivers of antibiotic use in semi-intensive poultry farms: evi-dence from a survey in Senegal"
This repository contains thre files:
survey_responses.xlsx --> the (anonymised) survey responses from our data collection exercise Data cleaning (sharing).R --> an R script which cleans the survey responses and generates the dataset used in our analysis Data analysis (sharing).R --> an R script which sues the cleaned dataset to generate our results
To run the code, simply clone the repository to your desktop. First, run the R script "Data cleaning (sharing)", which will generate the cleaned dataset. Then, run the R script "Data analysis (sharing)", which will generate and save our results.
In order to replicate our results, you will need to install R and Rstudio, as well as the following R packages: Plry data.table readxl stargazer tidyverse xlsx ggplot2 reshape2 here patchwork dplyr doBy Hmisc corrplot multcomp sampleSelection