ASF-Sticker-Claim-Plugin is a plugin for ArchiSteamFarm. The goal is to have it check all accounts for the sticker of the day. The sales may change each time and may require a code change but hopefully as time moves on, this will be more self-sufficient and require less work.
You should be able to compile this with:
dotnet build ASFStickerClaimPlugin` *debug build*
dotnet publish ASFStickerClaimPlugin -c "Release" -o "out"
- Add a date field so it doesn't keep trying when the event is over.
- Move config for this plugin into an .toml file so it doesn't need to be rebuilt per event
- Make a command so you can change the current one without having to edit the plugin.
Pull-requests welcome.
- Rudokhvist - They actually wrote most of the code for an older event. I just made it compile with the latest and re-wrote some minor things.
- Archi - Helped me in the discord when I was having trouble building.
- Abyrnos - Pointed out the need for access validation for the bot command.