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TriForce edited this page Feb 9, 2023 · 8 revisions

If MAME ROMs don't work in MAME4All

MAME4All uses a much older version of MAME. The ROMs need to be from the MAME 2000 / MAME 0.37b5 romset.

Missing sounds:

For anyone noticing that there are some sounds missing from some classic arcade games, it's because MAME can't produce those sounds via emulation, so it needs these sound file packages for the sound to work:

(Check both the "Older Samples" and "Current Samples" list/archive.)

These ZIP files are complementary to the ROMs, and need to be placed in "emus/mame4all/samples/". After that the full audio for these games will work.

Bypassing the legal/copyright message:

The first time you load a game, at the legal message, press Left and Right on the D-pad to confirm (to "type OK"). You only need to do this once.

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