New theme for New BittBoy, Pocket Go, PowKiddy Q90-V90 and Anbernic RG350. Based on the GameShow and FontixelAGray themes.
Compatible with all devices (Opendingux System) that have a resolution of 320x240.
Tested on MiyooCFW and BOB image
Download: Retro Pixel BR v1.5
Special thanks to Xad/Nightfall, Faustbear and ZadocPaet for providing icons in pixel art.
- Xad/Nightfall, used in most of the theme.
- Faustbear, adapter and used on some screens.
- ZadocPaet, used as a reference and inspiration.
- Lucas312, used in game Spartak Chess.
Thanks again for these beautiful icons and pixel art.
Thanks to the creators of the great fonts.
- Karmatic Arcade, used in titles.
- Retro Computer, used in subtitles.
- Play, used in the system.
Download and extract the in the pach: