A time-unit website that lets you convert between different units, quickly. Has various options to speed up the user's experience, and provides facts about each unit in the conversion.
- Vite
- React
- Zod (Validation)
- Zustand (State Management)
- TailwindCSS (Styling)
- ShadCN UI (Styling / Components)
- clsx and tailwind-merge (cn function)
- Radix UI Icons
- Prettier (Formatting)
- ESLint (Linting)
- Install Yarn version 3.6.3 if you haven't already
- Clone this repo
# https
# or ssh
- Install dependencies
yarn install
- Run development server
yarn dev
- Compile build
yarn build
- Add copy to clipboard button
- Add comma checkbox for values
- Change error color, make more vibrant
- Add error message for invalid input
- Add URL query params for input and output units
- Add tooltips