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Virtual Dom + Knockout = ❤️️

first run npm install to download dependencies.

run npm run build to compile jsx to js.

run npm run serve to start.

Basic Idea

var SomeComponent = createKnockoutComponent({
  viewmodel: function(params){
    // just a knockout viewmodel ...
  template: function(vm){
    return (
        // jsx goes here ...

var rootNode = createElement(<SomeComponent someParam={...} />)


for more see index.jsx

Know Issues / Future Work


In the current example, when removing a product, all products after the removed one get re-initialized and rerendered. This is because neither virtual-dom nor the KnockoutComponent does keep track of the identity of the individual instances. Therefore during diffing of the Vtree all elements after the removed one appear changed.

Possible Solution

A ForEach-Widget that keeps track of the individual instances using knockouts trackArrayChanges feature. The API could look like the following:

template: function(vm){
  return (
    <ForEach source={vm.todos} // required; vm.todos must be ObservableArray
      wrapper = { function(content){ return (<ul>{content}</ul>) } } //defaults to <div>{content}</div>
      sort = { function(a,b){...} } // optional
      filter = { function(item){...} } // optional
      map = { function(item){ // required 
        return (


Currently child-elements that are passed into a KnockoutComponent are lost.

Possible Solution

A Children-Widget that is instantiated during the KnockoutComponents init-function and kept as reference. During update the new children are passed down to the Children-Widget which diffes and updated its content. Then the template function could eb passed the children elements as second parameter:

template: function(vm,children){
  return (
    <div className="fancy-header" ... >

// ...

  {"I am fancy!"}

Work around deep-equal

Currently during the update function of the KnockoutComponents the params are compared using deep-equal. If the params are not equal the component gets reinitialized by which it looses its state. Also in some cases this could potentially lead to performance issues.

Possible Solution

Make reinitialization behavior configurable ("never", "always", "compare" (uses deep-equal)). Add optional function "receiveNewParams" that is called instead of "init" when present.


Virtual Dom + Knockout = ❤️️






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