An assignment developed by Raymond Lam, Hanna Håkanson and Benjamin Tsubarah.
Visit the page Sämsta Haken
- React.js
Build an application to find restaurants nearby, in a group of three while using agile scrum methodology.
- Locate restaurants on a map
- List the located restaurants
- Display additional information about the places
- Filter and categorize
- Locate based on users position
- State county and show restaurants
- Receive directions to a chosen restaurant
- Give suggestions of restaurants
- 3 weeks
- VS Code
- React
- Axios
- Firebase
- Google Maps API
- React Hook Form
- React Table
- React Query
- React Query Firebase
- Tailwind CSS
- Daisy UI
- React Icons
- Jira for Scrum
To run the app you have to:
Add an .env file for Firebase Firestore and Google Maps keys.
Open terminal and run:
npm install
npm start
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.