This is a dangerous tools in bad tradings hands. Anyway, use it at your own risks!
The purpose of this script is to automate sells & buys during range or bullish movement.
LW is a simple script compatible with ccxt marketplaces wich simply buy and sell in a preset range.
For debian and other debian like linux versions:
Configure it with pip : ./configure --enable-optimizations --with-ensurepip=install
You must have python >= 3.6 or you will get the following error:
File "", line XXXX
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
For other OS do a PR if you want it!
git clone
cd LazyWhale
pip install --user virtualenv
cd ~/Path/to/repository
virtualenv venv -p python3.6
or 3.7
source /venv/bin/activate
to close it, rm -r /path/to/ENV
to delete it)
pip install -r requirements.txt
for a list of commands
Create keys.txt and follow the scheme in keySkeletton.txt
Parameters are automatically generated by the software, user should not create it or modify it.
Are in params.txt file and are not kept forever. Backup it before entering new parameters!
Your virtualenv need to be properly setup and running!
- Set spread before asking max amount and set max amount per order
- Send slack message.
- Improve marketplace selection by adding it into params.
- Organize this mess!
Open an issue on github or do a pull request on the dev branch