Every day, a significant amount of edible food is discarded and becomes waste. This not only poses an economic loss but also has adverse effects on the environment. Therefore, there is a need for efforts to reduce food wastage by distributing surplus food that is still fit for consumption to those in need.
According to the FAO, approximately one-third of all food produced worldwide for human consumption is discarded, equivalent to around 1.3 billion tons per year. On the other hand, many people still experience hunger. The development of this project aims to create a web platform that enables restaurants, cafes, hotels, communities, and other food stores to post their surplus food that is still edible. The community can view these posts and acquire the food either for free or at a very affordable price.
Through this project, we believe that everyone deserves access to an adequate food supply, and this initiative serves as a preliminary step in reducing food waste. Additionally, we hope to contribute to decreasing food wastage, environmental pollution, and providing a solution for those in need.
- Production: https://turahan.ziakode.com/
- Development: https://turahan-cb23-ps003.github.io/frontend/