Klipper add-on to automatically turn on a filament dryer heater based on the humidity level or manually for a specified amount of time. An optional can also be opened/closed on an interval.
[filament_dryer filament_dryer] interval: 1 sensor: dryer_sensor heater: dryer_heater target_humidity: 30 auto_target_temp: 60 manual_target_temp: 80 default_manual_dry_time: 45 auto_dry_time: 30 manual_dryer_on_macro: MANUAL_DRYER_ON_MACRO auto_dryer_on_macro: AUTO_DRYER_ON_MACRO dryer_off_macro: DRYER_OFF_MACRO vent_interval: 2 vent_length: 3 vent_start_macro: OPEN_VENT vent_end_macro: CLOSE_VENT
- Humidity/Temperature Sensor such as BME280/680
- Heater
- Vent (optional)
The following configs are also required for the heater and temperature sensor:
[heater_generic dryer_heater] heater_pin: dryer:gpio6 sensor_type: temperature_combined sensor_list: temperature_sensor dryer_sensor maximum_deviation: 999 combination_method: min control: watermark max_delta: 3.0 min_temp: 0 max_temp: 100 [temperature_sensor dryer_sensor] sensor_type: BME280 i2c_bus: i2c3_PB3_PB4 i2c_address: 119 [heater_fan dryer_fan] pin: dryer:gpio14 max_power: 0.5 off_below: 0.31 heater: dryer_heater heater_temp: 25 shutdown_speed: 0
The BME280 config above will depend on the MCU you're using. Please refer to the Klipper Config Reference or Klipper Discord for help on configuring this sensor.
Note that a heater_fan is added to ensure the fan turns on with the heater and turns off when the dryer chamber temp is below a certain threshold (in this case, 25 degrees). Max_power should also be adjusted to your needs. If using more than 1 fan, consider configuring these as multi_pin:
[multi_pin multi_dryer_fans] pins: dryer:gpio14,dryer:gpio13 [heater_fan dryer_fans] pin: multi_pin:multi_dryer_fans max_power: 0.5 off_below: 0.31 heater: dryer_heater heater_temp: 25 shutdown_speed: 0
cd ~ git clone https://github.com/Turge08/klipper_filament_dryer cd klipper_filament_dryer ./install.sh
cd ~ sudo rm -r ~/klipper_filament_dryer sudo rm -r ~/klipper/klippy/extras/filament_dryer.py
- interval: How often to check the humidity level
- sensor: Sensor name of the humidity/temperature sensor
- heater: heater to control
- target_humidity: Target humidity. If humidity is above the target, the heater will be enabled. Once the humidity is below the target, the heater is turned off
- auto_target_temp: Temperature the heater will be set to when automatically enabled
- manual_target_temp: Temperature the heater will be set to when manually enabled
- default_manual_dry_time: When manually enabling the dryer, the heater will be enabled for this amount of minutes unless specified otherwise
- auto_dry_time: When automatically enabling the dryer based on the humidity, setting this value to non-zero will force the dryer to remain enabled for this amount of minutes
- manual_dryer_on_macro: name of macro to execute when heater is manually enabled
- auto_dryer_on_macro: name of macro to execute when heater is manually enabled
- dryer_off_macro: name of macro to execute when heater is disabled
- vent_interval: interval in minutes to execute the vent open macro (see vent_start_macro)
- vent_length: length of time in seconds before executing the vent close macro (see vent_end_macro)
- vent_start_macro: name of macro to execute to open the vent
- vent_end_macro: name of macro to execute to close the vent
The dryer can be manually enabled for the default dry time and temperature by running the following gcode command: DRY_FILAMENT To dry the filament for a custom time and temperature: DRY_FILAMENT MINUTES=120 TEMP=80
Alternatively, you can add this macro to printer.cfg to have it show up in your list of Macros in Fluidd/Mainsail:
[gcode_macro DRY_FILAMENT] rename_existing: BASE_DRY_FILAMENT gcode: {% set minutes = params.MINUTES | default(60) %} {% set temp = params.TEMP | default(70) %} BASE_DRY_FILAMENT MINUTES={minutes} TEMP={temp}
To stop the filament dryer, you can execute STOP_FILAMENT_DRYER or use the following macro:
Running the GCode command "GET_FILAMENT_DRYER_INFO" will return information about the dryer including the time remaining if the heater is enabled:
// Humidity: 26 // Temperature: 23 // Target Temp: 60 // Dry Mode: Manual // Dry Time Left: 0:00:57
My test filament dryer includes all controlled by a BTT EBB42 can bus toolhead PCB as the "dryer" mcu:
- a 24V 300W heater with a 24V fan
- a BME280 temperature and humidity sensor
- an iris vent controlled with a FS90R servo with another 24V fan
Full config:
[filament_dryer filament_dryer] interval: 1 sensor: dryer_sensor heater: dryer_heater target_humidity: 30 auto_target_temp: 60 manual_target_temp: 70 default_manual_dry_time: 120 auto_dry_time: 0 #manual_dryer_on_macro: MANUAL_DRYER_ON_MACRO #auto_dryer_on_macro: AUTO_DRYER_ON_MACRO #dryer_off_macro: DRYER_OFF_MACRO vent_interval: 30 vent_length: 5 vent_start_macro: OPEN_VENT vent_end_macro: CLOSE_VENT [servo dryer_vent] pin: dryer:PB9 initial_angle: 180 maximum_servo_angle: 250 [heater_fan dryer_fan] pin: dryer:PA1 max_power: 0.5 off_below: 0.31 heater: dryer_heater heater_temp: 25 shutdown_speed: 0 [fan_generic vent_fan] pin: dryer:PA0 max_power: 1 [heater_generic dryer_heater] heater_pin: dryer:PA2 sensor_type: temperature_combined sensor_list: temperature_sensor dryer_sensor maximum_deviation: 999 combination_method: min control: watermark max_delta: 3.0 min_temp: 0 max_temp: 100 [temperature_sensor dryer_sensor] sensor_type: BME280 i2c_bus: i2c3_PB3_PB4 i2c_mcu: dryer [gcode_macro OPEN_VENT] gcode: #SET_SERVO SERVO=dryer_vent ANGLE=270 SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=vent_fan SPEED=1 SET_SERVO SERVO=dryer_vent ANGLE=130 G4 P900 SET_SERVO SERVO=dryer_vent ANGLE=180 SET_SERVO SERVO=dryer_vent WIDTH=0 [gcode_macro CLOSE_VENT] gcode: SET_SERVO SERVO=dryer_vent ANGLE=230 G4 P900 SET_SERVO SERVO=dryer_vent ANGLE=180 SET_SERVO SERVO=dryer_vent WIDTH=0 SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=vent_fan SPEED=0 [gcode_macro DRY_FILAMENT] rename_existing: BASE_DRY_FILAMENT gcode: {% set minutes = params.MINUTES | default(120) %} {% set temp = params.TEMP | default(70) %} BASE_DRY_FILAMENT MINUTES={minutes} TEMP={temp} [gcode_macro STOP_FILAMENT_DRYER] rename_existing: BASE_STOP_FILAMENT_DRYER gcode: BASE_STOP_FILAMENT_DRYER