Haskell application to draw 8-bit images on Github contribution table
The application take an image and reduce it size to fit in the 52 (weeks) x 7 (days) activities calendar of github. Then, it reduce the colors to get only 5 shades of green (including white) and print the image or generate the corresponding git repository with dummy commits.
You still have to push the repository on your github account. Also, as the activity shades are computed from the maximum of activities per day, if you do any activities by yourself, you may decolorized generated images. So, I recommand you to use a dummy account for this.
Drawhub - Draw on Github
Usage: Drawhub COMMAND
Draw an image on Github activities calendar
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
Available commands:
image Transform an image to a preview
commit Create a new repository with commits representing the
Usage: Drawhub image (-i|--input ARG) (-o|--output ARG)
Transform an image to a preview
Available options:
-i,--input ARG Input path of image to process
-o,--output ARG Output path of generated image
-h,--help Show this help text
Usage: Drawhub commit (-i|--input ARG) (-o|--output ARG) (-m|--mail ARG)
(-d|--start-day ARG) [-b|--bare]
Create a new repository with commits representing the image
Available options:
-i,--input ARG Input path of image to process
-o,--output ARG Output path of git repository
-m,--mail ARG Mail of the committer (should be same as the Github
-d,--start-day ARG Start day of commits (should be a sunday)
-b,--bare Create a bare git repository
-h,--help Show this help text