This is a repository listing the projects I've worked on at the inner circle in 42Seoul. For questions about learning and code, please email to
to build and use the projects, please check the Makefile.
to clone this repository, please use below command :
git clone --recursive
Circle | Project | Language | summary | Date of Completion |
0 | Libft | C | making a library with c |
21. 01. 24. |
1 | get_next_line | C | Implementing a function that behaves similarly to getline() |
21. 02. 24. |
ft_printf | C | recode printf() |
21. 04. 22. | |
netwhat | network | solving quiz to learning network knowledge |
2 | fdf | C | making landscape renderer with basic graphic library in c |
21. 06. 01. |
push_swap | C | solving a queue sort problem |
21. 09. 06. | |
minitalk | C | making a client and a server for SMS program using signal() |
21. 10. 22. | |
3 | philosopher | C | solving dining philosopher problem with pthread |
21. 10. 20. |
minishell | C | making small shell |
21. 12. 19. | |
4 | cpp_modules | C++ | learning basics of cpp |
22. 03. 11. |
cub3d | C | making raycasting renderer |
22. 03. 15. | |
5 | webserv | C++ | making HTTP 1.1 server program with cpp |
22. 06. 09. |
ft_containers | C++ | learing meta programming by making vector, map, set container |
22. 10. 23. | |
inception | docker | build and deploy wordpress service and it's server using docker-compose |
22. 11. 15. | |
6 | transcendence | javascript | making online pong game web-platform |
22. 11. 24. |