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Twoure edited this page Jul 1, 2016 · 1 revision

Location of Data files

Locations taken from here. We want Data not Caches.

Header_Dict and Domain_Dict Location Info

Below is the location for the Header_Dict file. The Domain_Dict file is located is the same directory.


On Windows, the content is located inside of the user directory.

%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plex Media Server\Plug-in Support\Data\com.plexapp.plugins.kissnetwork\Header_Dict


Using the Finder's "Go" menu, select Go To Folder... then enter the following in the dialog box that pops up:

~/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Data/com.plexapp.plugins.kissnetwork/Header_Dict


In general, the Plug-In Support folder for the various Linux versions of Plex Media Server will be found under:

$PLEX_HOME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Data/com.plexapp.plugins.kissnetwork/Header_Dict