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Twoure edited this page Dec 27, 2016 · 5 revisions


Simple UI
  • Remove all sub list in favor of one list per section sorted by the Sort List by... option.

Sort List by...
  • Set list order for "All", "Alphabets", "Country", "Genres", "Movies", "Ongoing", and "Completed"

View Anime, Cartoon, Comic, Drama, Manga
  • If site enabled then it will be availible in the Channel for viewing. This includes Bookmarks and Searching.

Preferred Video Server
  • Select a Default Video Server from the drop-down list
  • Currently supported servers: KissNetwork(default), Openload, Stream
    • Default behavior: Use GoogleVideo links when available, otherwise try using the provided links
    • If a server other than KissNetwork is selected: Use selected video server, and default to GoogleVideo links when selected server fails.

Search all sites together
  • Enabled: Check all sites before results are returned. This will removed categories with empty results but will slow down search when sites preform a header refresh.
  • Disabled(default): Do not search all sites at once, instead check a site only when asked.

Hide "Clear Bookmarks"
  • Enabled: Hide the Clear Bookmarks function within Main Bookmarks menu and sub-menus
  • Disabled(default): Allow the Clear Bookmarks function within Main Bookmarks menu and sub-menus

Use "Custom Bookmarks Backup Path"
  • Enabled: Use Custom Bookmarks Backup Path to store bookmark backup json files
  • Disabled(default): Use default path, located within the channel's support directory

Custom Bookmarks Backup Path
  • Custom user path to save bookmark backup json files
  • Plex must have read/write permissions to use an external directory, otherwise backup path will fallback to default location

Force Redirect (disables remote play)
  • Enabled: Turns On URL Redirect Function, making PMS follow the URL Redirect.
    • Follows URL through its redirect and returns the final URL
    • GoogleVideo Links: expand around PMS IP rendering unusable outside of local network (i.e. remote play disabled)
  • Disabled(default): URL Redirect is handled by client

Force Transcoding (enables remote play)
  • Openload/ videos have a hash tied to the PMS server IP. Enable to watch Openload/ videos outside the PMS local network.
  • Enabled: Videos will be transcoded by PMS and available for use outside the servers network
    • Resolution will depend on available streams and client settings
    • Overrides Force Redirect, because PMS will properly handle any URL Redirects
  • Disabled(default): Transcoding depends on client's settings/support

Allow Adult Content
  • Enabled: Allows Adult Content to be viewed
  • Disabled(default): Checks against contents Genre list for adult themed genres. Current block list.
    • Will provide a popup whenever an Adult themed video/comic/manga is accessed providing feedback as to why the content is blocked
    • Fails with KissCartoon because it does not have Adult themed Genres but does have Adult content

Enable Developer Tools
  • Enabled: Show Developer Tools Menu located in About / Help section
  • Disabled(default): Developer Tools Menu remains hidden
  • Is only available to PMS admin regardless of enabled/disabled

Auth Admin Through
  • Authenticate admin user through if Plex Media Server does not have Plex Home enabled
  • Enabled: Auth against
    • Use if PMS is NOT setup as Plex Home
    • If is down then this authentication will fail, locking the admin out from channel Preferences, Updater, and DevTools section
      • If this happens, open Plug-in Support/Preferences/com.plexapp.plugins.kissnetwork.xml and set plextv section to false. Save and exit file.
      • Note 1: if PMS is not setup as Plex Home then admin features will now be available to all shared users
      • Note 2: when comes online again, make sure to re-enable Auth Admin Trough to ensure shared users are not allowed admin access
  • Disabled(default): Auth against
    • Use when PMS is setup as Plex Home
    • Note: If PMS NOT setup as Plex Home then all shared users will have admin access
  • If using Plex Web Client on Host Server Machine and not signed-in, then no Plex Token will be available to authenticate. In this use case, the assumption is you are the admin so the channel will treat you as such.

Update Channel
  • Select channel to track updates from. Updater caches the Github request URL for 12 hours.
  • Update button visible only to PMS admin and when update avalible.
  • Stable(default): Tracks the latest release, same as the old updater
  • Development: Tracks the latest commit within the dev branch

Enable Debug Logging
  • Turn on extra logging for debugging purposes