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Twoure edited this page Apr 30, 2016 · 2 revisions

1. Why isn't this plugin visible under "Channels" on my server?

This means the channel isn't starting up correctly on your server, usually this can be fixed with one (or a combination) of the following solutions.

Ensure plugin directory structure is correct

Ensure the plugin directory looks like this:

If there is no Contents folder under Plug-ins\KissNetwork.bundle, re-install the plugin and make sure you move the KissNetwork.bundle folder out of the zip file and into your Plug-ins folder.

Ensure plugin permissions are correct

(FreeBSD, Linux, OS X)

The plugin may fail to start if you haven't correctly set the permissions on KissNetwork.bundle.

  1. Run the following commands in a shell/terminal (see here for the path to your plugins directory):

    cd <your plugins directory>
    chown -R plex:plex KissNetwork.bundle
  2. Restart Plex Media Server

Note: Depending on your setup, the plex user may be named something else. You can check the owner of the Plex Media Server process with ps aux | grep "Plex Media Server"

Report the issue

If the plugin still isn't visible after attempting the above solutions, post an issue here with links to the following files (uploaded to pastebin, dropbox, etc..):

  • com.plexapp.plugins.kissnetwork.log (details, might not exist in some cases)
  • com.plexapp.system.log (details)

2. How do I install/update the plugin?

See the Installation or Update page for more details.