Sometimes we need to represent multidimensional data hierarchies in a very laconic style, which will be easily-readable for humans. At the same time, we do not want to lose precision, and have this representation formal and deterministic.
Up to day, the choice had to be made between JSON, YAML and XML. JSON lacks multidimensionality and, while being flexible, lacks proper efficient way of defining data formal structure (schema). Yes, JSON schemata exists, but are very clunky - like XML. XML has more tools to formalize the data structure, but is quite hard to visually parse. YAML is the most parsable, it also supports more structure than JSON - but still less than XML, and again, lacks efficient schema languages.
Thus, we created Vesper: formal language which is visually clean, and at the same time has the same power as XML:
Transaction rec
Version enum U8 V1=1 V2=2
Inputs list 0..MAX64
PrevOut rec
Txid bytes 32
Vout as U32
Sequence as U32
ScriptSig bytes 0..MAX64
Witness list 0..MAX64
ByteStr bytes 0..MAX64
Outputs list 0..MAX64
Value as U64
ScriptPubkey bytes 0..MAX64
LockTime as U32
The above is the full representation of both data type hierarchy, semantic structure and memory layout for a Bitcoin transaction: this is how clean it can be. Written in JSON, it would take at least twice more text, plenty of quotation marks, brackets and braces. XML equivalent is also much more verbose and less readable:
<rec name="Transaction">
<enum name="Version" type="U8">
<variant tag="V1" value="1"/>
<variant tag="V2" value="2"/>
<list name="Inputs" min-len="0" max-len="MAX64">
<rec name="PrevOut">
<bytes name="Txid" len="32"/>
<field name="Vout" type="U32"/>
<field name="Sequence" type="U32"/>
<bytes name="ScriptSig" min-len="0" max-len="MAX64"/>
<list name="Witness" min-len="0" max-len="MAX64">
<bytes name="ByteStr" min-len="0" max-len="MAX64"/>
<list name="Outputs" min-len="0" max-len="MAX64">
<field name="Value" type="U64"/>
<bytes name="ScriptPubkey" min-len="0" max-len="MAX64"/>
<field name="LockTime" type="U32"/>
Vesper uses new clause notation, called T-expressions. You may be aware
of [S-expressions] and [M-expressions], and T-expressions are the new
guest in the town, which follows a specific visually-clean pattern to
represent semantic constructs: subject
, where subject-predicate-attributes go in one line, forming a
kind of sentence, and content is nested below and can span multiple lines.
Each line of the content is in fact another T-expression, and we end up
with a tree (here is why the expression is called "T", i.e.
The full grammar of Vesper is so simple, that its formal definition can fit just nine lines (here we use our custom BNF-styled notation):
t-expr => subject predicate `{` ( attr )* `}`
( t-expr )\*
subject => ident
predicate => ident
attr => simple | named
simple => ident | expr
named => ident `=` ( ident | expr )
ident => (\w_)[\w\d_-]*
expr => [\S]+ -- all ASCII printable symbols except of whitespace
Vesper comes with its own schema language (named "Vesper schema"), which allows creating domain-specific sublanguages, like we did for the data type and memory layout above:
rec := - (*)
tuple := - (*)
as := \type (-)
enum := \type? \ident+=\int (-)
union := \type? (*)
bytes := \range (-)
list := \range (+)
char := - (-)
str := \range (-)
As you see, it is also ultra-concise: the whole definition for an arbitrary data type hierarchy and memory layout fits in just nine lines!
The libraries are distributed on the terms of Apache 2.0 license.